Sunday 2 August 2015

Brand New Arrivals

We've had a fair few brand new arrivals come in from Alexander Dennis over the past few days with these ranging from Enviro200s to Enviro400MMCs. Twelve brand new ADL Enviro400MMCs entered service on the 26th July onto route 90. Route 90 operates between Reading and Bracknell via Workingham and is operated under our high specification 'crimson' brand. The buses working this route are 5464-75 YY15 DJH/J-L/N-P/R-U/X with 5474 and 5475 branded as spare buses for the route. 5464 YY15 DJK is seen below with full route branding.

Thanks to Chris H for the net!
Also new within the group are ten brand new Enviro200s with a seating capacity of 38. Five of these have gone to our Luton depot for route 81 (3274-8 KX15 DKL/N-P/R), three at High Wycombe (3279/80/1 OU15 CKF/G/H) and two at our Thetford depot (3282/3 AU15 LHC/D). One bus from each depot is shown below.

With the arrival of these Enviro200s, it means that Scania OmniCitys 3471/2/7-80 YN03 UWM/K, FD02 SDX/Y, SED, YS03 SHN/P are currently out of use awaiting re-allocation. 3471 and 3472 were based at Thetford with the rest originally being based at Luton.

All nets and liveries in this post are copyright to there original owners!

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